Why Does the Other Line Always Move Faster?: The Myths and Misery, Secrets and Psychology of Waiting in Line (2024)

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Why Does the Other Line Always Move Faster?: The Myths and Misery, Secrets and Psychology of Waiting in Line (1)

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angla [en], .epub, 🚀/lgli/zlib, 1.9MB, 📘 Libro (nefikcio), lgli/David Andrews - Why Does the Other Line Always Move Faster? (2015, Workman Publishing, Co., Inc.).epub

Why Does the Other Line Always Move Faster?: The Myths and Misery, Secrets and Psychology of Waiting in Line 🔍

Workman Publishing, Co., Inc., 2016

Andrews, David 🔍


Overview: How we wait, why we wait, what we wait for-waiting in line is a daily indignity that we all experience, usually with a little anxiety thrown in (why is it that the other line always moves faster?!?). This smart, quirky, wide-ranging book (the perfect conversation starter) considers the surprising science and psychology-and the sheer misery-of the well-ordered line. On the way, it takes us from boot camp (where the first lesson is to teach recruits how to stand rigidly in line) to the underground bunker beneath Disneyland's Cinderella Castle (home of the world's most advanced, state-of-the-art queue management technologies); from the 2011 riots in London (where rioters were observed patiently taking their turns when looting shops), to the National Voluntary Wait-in-Line days in the People's Republic of China (to help train their non-queuing populace to wait in line like Westerners in advance of the 2008 Olympics).

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Why does the other line always move faster? : the myths and misery, secrets and psychology of waiting in line

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David Andrews

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Workman Publishing Company : Made available through hoopla

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Workman Publishing Company, Incorporated

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Place of publication not identified, 2015

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United States, 2015

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New York, 2015

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New York, 2016

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2, 2015

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"How we wait, why we wait, what we wait for-waiting in line is a daily indignity that we all experience, usually with a little anxiety thrown in (Why is that the other line always moves faster?!?!). Now it's the subject of smart, quirky, compelling nonfiction treatment that has made Malcolm Gladwell and Why Do Men Have Nipples? international bestsellers. And the perfect co*cktail party conversation starter: Did you know that the first lesson of boot camp is to teach recruits how to stand rigidly in line? That in Disneyland, the global center of line-waiting, queuing is managed from a bunker under Sleeping Beauty Castle? Or that the queuing is so ingrained in British culture, thugs rioting in London were observed taking their turns when looting a shop? Or that in 2007, the People's Republic of China began a series of National Voluntarily Wait-in-Line Days, in hopes that they could train their non-queuing populace to be more like Westerners before the 2008 Olympics arrived? Or that even though McDonald's and Burger King have faster counter service, surveyed customers are more satisfied waiting at Wendy's because the queue barriers assure that the first-come will be first-served? And that gets to the heart of this fascinating, witty book. Citing sources ranging from Harvard Business School professors to Seinfeld, dipping back to the first queue-during the French Revolution-to the state-of-the-art study of line management, it comes back to one underling truth: It's not about the time you spend waiting, but how the circ*mstances of the wait affect your perception of time. In other words, the other line always moves faster because you're not in it"-- Provided by publisher

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How we wait, why we wait, what we wait for—waiting in line is a daily indignity that we all experience, usually with a little anxiety thrown in (why is it that the other line always moves faster?!?). This smart, quirky, wide-ranging book (the perfect conversation starter) considers the surprising science and psychology—and the sheer misery—of the well-ordered line. On the way, it takes us from boot camp (where the first lesson is to teach recruits how to stand rigidly in line) to the underground bunker beneath Disneyland’s Cinderella Castle (home of the world’s most advanced, state-of-the-art queue management technologies); from the 2011 riots in London (where rioters were observed patiently taking their turns when looting shops), to the National Voluntary Wait-in-Line days in the People’s Republic of China (to help train their non-queuing populace to wait in line like Westerners in advance of the 2008 Olympics). Citing sources ranging from Harvard Business School professors to Seinfeld, the book comes back to one underlying truth: it’s not about the time you spend waiting, but how the circ*mstances of the wait affect your perception of time. In other words, the other line always moves faster because you’re not in it.

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How we wait, why we wait, what we wait for?waiting in line is a daily indignity that we all experience, usually with a little anxiety thrown in (why is it that the other line always moves faster?!?). This smart, quirky, wide-ranging book (the perfect conversation starter) considers the surprising science and psychology?and the sheer misery?of the well-ordered line. On the way, it takes us from boot camp (where the first lesson is to teach recruits how to stand rigidly in line) to the underground bunker beneath Disneyland's Cinderella Castle (home of the world's most advanced, state-of-the-art queue management technologies); from the 2011 riots in London (where rioters were observed patiently taking their turns when looting shops), to the National Voluntary Wait-in-Line days in the People's Republic of China (to help train their non-queuing populace to wait in line like Westerners in advance of the 2008 Olympics). Citing sources ranging from Harvard Business School professors to Seinfeld, the book comes back to one underlying truth: it's not about the time you spend waiting, but how the circ*mstances of the wait affect your perception of time. In other words, the other line always moves faster because you're not in it

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How we wait, why we wait, what we wait for--waiting in line is a daily indignity that we all experience, usually with a little anxiety thrown in (why is it that the other line always moves faster?!?). This smart, quirky, wide-ranging book (the perfect conversation starter) considers the surprising science and psychology--and the sheer misery--of the well-ordered line. On the way, it takes us from boot camp (where the first lesson is to teach recruits how to stand rigidly in line) to the underground bunker beneath Disneyland's Cinderella Castle (home of the world's most advanced, state-of-the-art queue management technologies); from the 2011 riots in London (where rioters were observed patiently taking their turns when looting shops), to the National Voluntary Wait-in-Line days in the People's Republic of China (to help train their non-queuing populace to wait in line like Westerners in advance of the 2008 Olympics). Citing sources..

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Why Does the Other Line Always Move Faster?: The Myths and Misery, Secrets and Psychology of Waiting in Line (2024)
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