Baldur's Gate 3: Best Berserker Barbarian Build (2024)

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  • Berserker Subclass Features Overview

  • Best Race For A Berserker Barbarian

  • Best Starting Ability Scores For A Berserker Barbarian

  • Best Background For A Berserker Barbarian: Soldier

  • Recommended Level-By-Level Build For A Berserker Barbarian

  • Best Equipment For A Berserker Barbarian

If you are looking to build a heavy-hitting combatant that can take damage without backing down, then one class you should pick in Baldur's Gate 3 is the barbarian. Much of the abilities that barbarians possess have to do with dealing as much damage as possible in the shortest time.


Baldur's Gate 3: Best Multiclass Options For Barbarians

Want to know which classes can enhance your Barbarian? We've got options for you.

Barbarians can further specialize into subclasses, and one of these subclasses is the berserker. The berserker uses their Rage to gain more abilities that will allow them to deal more damage, avoid distracting conditions, and intimidate foes. This is the perfect choice if you're looking for someone to charge onto the battlefield without having to think.

Berserker Subclass Features Overview

At different levels, the berserker gains new abilities that make them become more powerful when they Rage.

Heavy armor will impede your Rage, and you won't gain any extra damage, resistance to physical damage, or advantage on Strength checks and saving throws.

A great way to use a berserker is to send them as your main attacker and have them deal as much damage as possible in their every turn. They're great against enemies that affect emotions, and there are a lot of enemies that can do so throughout your journey.

You should also capitalize on the berserker's enraged throw because of the powerful effect it has to knock your enemies prone.

That being said, you should make sure you're keeping your barbarian on its feet by having a support unit healing and buffing them if needed. They'll need to focus on attacking to keep their Rage going.




Frenzy: Your Rage turns into a Frenzy! You gain resistance to physical damage and advantage on Strength checks and saving throws. You can also make an improvised melee weapon as a bonus action.

While in a Frenzy, you gain:

  • Frenzied Strike:
    • As a bonus action, make a melee attack with your equipped weapon.
    • This will cause a stack of frenzied strain on the barbarian, which causes them to take a -1 penalty on attack rolls for each stack.
  • Enraged Throw:
    • Pick up an item or creature and throw it at a target, dealing additional damage and knocking it prone.
    • This is affected by Strength.

Rage will end early if you don't attack an enemy or take damage each turn. You also cannot cast or concentrate on spells while raging.


Mindless Rage: Your Rage becomes all-consuming, repelling outside influence. While frenzied, you can't be charmed or frightened, and Calm Emotions no longer ends your Rage.


Frenzy's bonus damage to attacks increases to +3.


Intimidating Presence: Menace an enemy and instill a terrible fear within them. You can use Maintain Intimidating Presence to prolong the target's fear.

Best Race For A Berserker Barbarian

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Berserker Barbarian Build (3)

When it comes to picking a race for a berserker barbarian, you can pick a race that capitalizes on its cranked-up melee damage. Races that offer tanking potential, like a half-orc, would make a good pick. You can also opt for a race that can add special features to their melee damage, like the Zariel tiefling.




Darkvision: See in the dark up to 12m.

Savage Attacks: When you land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you deal an extra dice of weapon damage.

Relentless Endurance: If you reach 0 hit points, you regain one hit point instead of becoming downed.

Zariel Tiefling

Hellish Resistance: Gain resistance to fire damage.

Darkvision: See in the dark up to 12m.

Tiefling Magic:

  • Thaumaturgy: Gain advantage on Intimidation and Performance skill checks.
  • Searing Smite: Your weapon deals an extra 1d6 fire damage and marks the target with Searing Smite, and they will take 1d6 fire damage per turn.
  • Branding Smite: You mark your targets with light, preventing them from turning invisible. Your weapon also deals an additional 2d6 (2~12) radiant damage.

Best Starting Ability Scores For A Berserker Barbarian

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Berserker Barbarian Build (4)

The abilities you'll need to prioritize for berserker barbarians are Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. A high score in Strength will ensure more success in attack rolls and better damage with melee weapons. Constitution is essential for them to remain standing on the battlefield because this affects their maximum hit points. Dexterity is also important for increased armor class and higher initiative.




at least 16


at least 16


at least 14

Best Background For A Berserker Barbarian: Soldier

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Berserker Barbarian Build (5)

You should decide on a background that will fit your playing style. Depending on your background, your choices in different interactions and encounters may grant you inspiration, allowing you to reroll when you roll a failure. A soldier will fit your berserker barbarian best because soldiers can gain inspiration from achievements on the battlefield.

Soldier also improves your athletics and intimidation. Athletics is a strength-based skill that will improve your ability to shove and resist being shoved. Intimidation is a charisma-based skill that you can use to bend others to your will in interactions.

The best background for you is more dependent on what type of character you'll be roleplaying. Inspiration may save your party from certain death at times, and gaining inspiration will more likely come from the decisions you will make outside of battle.

Recommended Level-By-Level Build For A Berserker Barbarian

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Berserker Barbarian Build (6)

When leveling up a berserker barbarian, you'll only need to decide on what feats to give them. You should be focusing on feats that will increase the damage they deal and feats that will enable them to keep fighting with more hit points.




Subclass: berserker


Feat: ability improvement

  • +2 Strength
  • A berserker barbarian's damage output is dependent on their Strength, which is why using the ability improvement feat to add 2 points to Strength is a must.


Feat: great weapon master​​​​​​

  • The Great Weapon Master: Bonus Attack allows you to perform a melee weapon attack as a bonus action after you land a critical hit or kill a creature with a melee weapon. This is a must because your berserker barbarian will be a melee build, and this feat will allow them to attack more than once in a turn.
  • Great Weapon Master: All In is a risky passive of this feat because your attack rolls take a -5 penalty in exchange for a 10-point increase in damage. This is a toggleable passive, however, so you should toggle it off if your target has low hit points.

For Great Weapon Master: All In, consider only using this passive when using your bonus action. This way, you don't end up missing a turn to attack should you roll a failure.


Feat: tough

  • Hit point maximum increased by 2 for each level.
  • Berserker barbarians gain a lot of benefits when they choose certain clothing, and these only have ten points in armor class. This makes them quite squishy, so you'll need as many hit points as you can get.


Baldur's Gate 3: 10 Best Feats For Barbarian

These are the best feats to use when playing as a Barbarian in Baldur's Gate 3.

Best Equipment For A Berserker Barbarian

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Berserker Barbarian Build (8)

A lot of equipment you may find throughout your journey is made to fit a barbarian's tendency to Rage. You'll want gear that rewards your Rage or grants you Wrath, a condition that grants you +1 damage using melee weapons per condition turn remaining for a maximum of seven turns.

A lot of equipment tailored to fit a berserker barbarian will have you equipping clothes instead of armor. That said, you'll need to get points in your armor class from other sources and higher Constitution.

Best Early-Game Equipment For A Berserker Barbarian




Clothing: Bloodguzzler Garb

10 armour class + Dexterity modifier

Grevious Retribution: When an enemy damages the wearer, the wearer gains Wrath for 2 turns.

Act 1: This can be looted from the Bulette in the Underdark.

Optional Clothing: Enraging Heart Garb

10 armor class + Dexterity modifier

Ruintamer Heart: While raging, the wearer generates 2 turns of Wrath.

+2 to Constitution (up to a maximum of 20).

Act 2: This can be purchased from Lann Tarv in Moonrise Towers.

Cloak: Cloak of Protection

+1 armor class

+1 saving throw

Act 2: This can be purchased from Quartermaster Talli in Last Light Inn.

Headgear: Haste Helm

Smooth Start: Gain momentum for 3 turns.

Act 1: This can be looted from a chest in the Blighted Village.

Gloves: Bracers of Defence

Become the Bulwark: You gain a +2 bonus to armor class as long as you are not wearing armor or holding a shield.

Act 1: This can be looted from a chest in the Apothecary's Cellar in the Blighted Village.

Footwear: Linebreaker Boots

Adrenaline Rush: When the wearer dashes or takes similar action during combat, they gain Wrath for 2 turns.

Act 1: This can be looted from Beastmaster Zurk's body in the Worg Pens located in the Shattered Sanctum.

Amulet: Periapt of Wound Closure

Wound Closure: When downed, automatically stabilize at the start of the turn.

Potent Healing: Maximise the number of hit points restored.

Act 1: This can be purchased from Lady Esther at the Rosymorn Monastery Trail.

Ring: Crusher's Ring

Movement speed increased by 3m/10ft.

Act 1: This can be looted from Crusher's body or stolen from him using sleight of hand during your encounter with him.

Ring: Bracing Band

Personal Space: After shoving an enemy, the wearer gains a +1 to their armor class until their next turn.

Act 1: This can be received from Thrinn as a reward for returning her boots at the Grymforge.

Melee Weapon: Everburn Blade

2d6 (2~12) + Strength modifier (slashing damage)

Deal an extra 1d4 (1~4) fire damage

Act 1: This can be looted from or dropped by Commander Zhalk in the Nautiloid.

Optional Melee Weapon: Jorgoral's Greatsword

2d6 + 1 (3~13) + Strength modifier (slashing damage)

Colossal Onslaught: Channel your mettlesome strength and strike all creatures in a line, dealing bonus slashing damage equal to your proficiency bonus.

Act 1: This can be looted or purchased from Corsair Greymon at Grymforge.

Ranged Weapon: Titanstring Bow

1d8 + 1 (2~9) + Dexterity modifier (piercing damage)

Titan Weapon: This weapon deals additional damage equal to your Strength modifier.

Pushing Attack: Pushes your target back by 4.5m/15ft

Act 1: This can be purchased from Brem in the Zhentarim Hideout.

Act 2: This can be purchased from Lann Tarv in Moonrise Towers.

Best Late-Game Equipment For A Berserker Barbarian



Location (All in Act 3)

Clothing: Bonespike Garb

10 armor class + Dexterity modifier

Slabjaw Determination: You gain 15 temporary hit points whenever you Rage.

Exoskeletal Endurance: Reduce all incoming damage by 2. When the wearer is struck by a melee attack, the attacker takes piercing damage equal to the wearer's Constitution modifier.

This can be purchased from Exxvikyap in Rivington General.

Headgear: Bonespike Helmet

Fury In The Marrow: When you Rage, hostile creatures in a 3m/10ft radius must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or take 2d4 psychic damage. The targets receive half damage on a save.

+2 to Intimidation.

Menacing Attack: Usable once per turn. This ability does not consume superiority dice.

This can be purchased from Voiceless Penitent Bareki in the Undercity Ruins located in the Lower City Sewers of Baldur's Gate.

Gloves: Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength

Set the wearer's Strength score to 23. The enchantment has no effect if their Strength score is higher without it.

+1 to Strength saving throws.

This can be looted from a pedestal in the Archive Room in the House of Hope.

Footwear: Helldusk Boots

Steadfast: You cannot be forcibly moved by a foe's spells or actions, and you ignore the effects of difficult terrain.

Infernal Evasion: When you fail a saving throw, you may use your reaction to succeed instead.

Hellcrawler: Teleport to an area and deal 2d8 fire damage where you land. The impact blast spreads in a 3m/10ft zone.

This can be looted from a chest on the top floor of Wyrm's Rock Fortress.

Amulet: Amulet of Greater Health

Set the wearer's Constitution score to 23. The enchantment has no effect if their Constitution score is higher without it.

Advantage on Constitution saving throws.

This can be looted from a pedestal in the Archive Room in the House of Hope.

Ring: Ring of Regeneration

Combat Regeneration: at the beginning of your turn, the ring activates and heals you for 1d4 hit points.

This can be purchased from the Sorcerous Sundries if Lorroakan is alive. If Lorroakan is dead, but Rolan is still alive, it can be looted from Rolan in Ramazith's Tower using sleight of hand.

Ring: Killer's Sweetheart

Executioner: When you kill a creature, your next attack roll will be a critical hit. Refreshes after a long rest.

This can be picked up from the ground of the Self-Same Trial at the Gauntlet of Shar. The exact spot is where your player's copy died.

Melee Weapon: Balduran's Giantslayer

2d6 + 3 (5~15) + Strength modifier (slashing damage)

Giantslayer: On a hit, double the damage from your Strength modifier. This weapon grants you advantage on attack rolls against large, huge, or gargantuan creatures.

Giant Form: Grow to a fearsome size. Your weapons deal an additional 1d6 damage, and you gain 27 temporary hit points and advantage on Strength checks and saving throws.

This can be looted from Ansur's body in The Dragon's Sanctum.


Baldur's Gate 3: Complete Guide To Barbarians

Barbarians make for terrific martial characters in Baldur's Gate 3 thanks to their defensive features and unstoppable Rage.

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Berserker Barbarian Build (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.